Math 122C: Calculus II, Fall 2017

MWF 11.15am-12.05pm, Warner Hall 506

Th 11am-12.15pm, Warner Hall 207

Instructor: George Melvin

Office Hours: M 2-3pm, Tu 10-11am, 4-5pm, W 2-3pm, Th 4-5pm


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    • December 7
      • Some course review notes have been posted.
      • Practice Exam III has been posted.
    • December 6
      • Review problems have been posted.
    • November 16
      • Here are Exam II solutions.
    • November 5
    • November 4
      • I have posted several rubrics outlining the assessment of your Group Project.
    • November 1
      • A Trig. Identity handout and (updated) List of Integrals have been posted.
      • Solutions to Problem Set 5 have been posted.
      • Group Projects: Chapter 3 of Euler: Master of Us All has been posted.
    • October 27
      • The Group Project descriptions have been posted.
      • Notes on Infinite Products have been posted.
      • Exam 3 has been rescheduled to 2-5pm, December 15, Warner 207.
    • October 16
      • A list of important integrals I expect you to have seen has been posted.
      • Some solutions to the additional 'Mathematical Induction' problems have been posted.
      • The syllabus has been updated to include the new Grading Policy: if you do (relatively) better on Exam 3 than Exam 1 then your Exam 1 score will be disregarded and your Exam 3 score will constitute 50% of your overall grade.
      • PS4 Typos: I have updated some typos in Problem A3b), A4. Let me know if you find any more!
    • October 14
      • I have posted the 'Exponential Function Flow Chart' I handed out in class on October 13.
    • October 11
      • I have posted Problem Set 4. Please submit problems A1-A4 by 4pm Wednesday, October 18.
    • October 9
      • Exam 1 statistics have been posted.
    • October 5
      • Exam 1 Review problems have been posted.
      • Here are the solutions to Exam 1.
    • October 3
      • Problem Set 3 has been posted.
    • October 2
      • Solutions to the review problems on series have been posted.
      • Here is this week's schedule:
        • 1) Quiz 3 Tonight 7pm-12am: Quiz 3 will be available this evening 7pm-12am, as usual. Let me know if there are any issues.
        • 2) Examination 1, 10/5, 8-9pm: Examination 1 will take place at the following locations
          • Math 122B (MWF 10.10-11am) - Warner Hall 207
          • Math 122C (MWF 11.15am-12.15pm) - Warner Hall 208
          Please be at the room assigned to your section no later than 7.55pm. The exam will start promptly at 8pm.
        • 3) *Conflicted* Examination 1, 10.5, 5-6pm: for those of you with a conflict with another exam, Examination 1 will take place in the following location (same location for students from either section)

          Warner Hall 207

          Please be at the room no later than 4.55pm. The exam will start promptly at 5pm.

          If you have a conflict, please email me (again) saying you will be sitting the exam 5-6pm.

        • 4) Practice Exam 1 Solutions, Series Review Problems Solutions are online at the course website. Let me know if you have any questions. Even better, ask questions on Piazza and help each other.
        • 5) Problem Set 3: Problem Set 3 will be posted this evening/tomorrow morning. This will be a shorter Problem Set.
        • 6) Group Projects: Sugegsted group projects will be posted this week. More information will be forthcoming.
        • 7) Anything else? Let me know if you've got any questions about anything else.
    • September 29
    • September 28
      • Review problems on series have been posted.
      • I have posted a snapshot of Quiz 2 scores. The total score is out of 3 points.
    • September 27
      • Practice Exam I is available. Solutions will be posted over the next couple of days - please attempt the problems prior to looking at the solutions.
    • September 26
      • The Extra Credit Policy has been posted.
    • September 25
      • Solutions to the 'Problems for Submission' from Problem Set 1 have been posted.
      • Solutions to most of the 'Additional Recommended Problems' from Problem Set 1 have been posted.
    • September 23
      • Problem Set 2 has been posted.
    • September 21
      • I have posted a snapshot of Quiz 1 scores. The total score is out of 3 points.
    • September 19
      • The Calculus Drop-In Guided Study Sessions have started! Get help with your calculus studies and problem sets at the following times:
        • Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: 7-9pm, Math Common Area, 3rd Floor, Warner Hall.
        • Sunday: 8-10pm, MBH.
      • Office Hours have been updated. For the remainder of this semester I will be holding office hours at the following times
        • Monday 2-3pm
        • Tuesday 10-11am, 4-5pm
        • Wednesday 2-3pm
        • Thursday 4-5pm
    • September 18
      • Problem Set 1 has been posted. Please submit your solutions by 4pm Monday, September 25, to the folder that will be placed outside my office, Warner Hall 312.
      • The Late Days Policy has been updated.
    • September 15
      • I hope you've all had a great first week and your classes are treating you kindly. It's fun and exciting for me to be working with you all on your calculus adventure.

        Please take some time to read through the following information. Please forward this information to any students you know that have been attending Math 122B/C but have not been able to register yet (therfore, will not receive this email).

        1) Online survey: Please complete the following preliminary online survey outlining some of your background, motivations and learning practices. Let me know if you have any problems accessing the survey.

        Online survey

        2) Weekly Quiz: There will be ten weekly quizzes, taking place on the following dates:

        9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/16, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/27, 12/4, 12/7 (Thursday)

        Note: the last quiz will take place on Thursday 12/7.

        Here are the guidelines for the quiz:

        • the quiz is administered via Canvas and can be taken once between 7pm-12am. To take the quiz will need to log in to Canvas and click on the 'Quizzes' tab at the side. The first quiz is called Quiz 1, the second Quiz 2 etc.
        • the quiz is 15mins long. A timer will start once you begin the quiz.
        • there will be three questions on the quiz.
        • each question is either multiple choice or true/false. You will have one attempt to provide a solution.
        • you will electronically sign the Honor Code Pledge, reminding you of your commitment to the College Honor Code. The quiz will be closed book, which means you are not able to consult any references while taking the quiz. You are permitted to use a blank piece of paper for your scratchwork. Consulting references (e.g. your notes, the internet, a classmate, not-so-well-hidden Post-It Notes., etc) will be considered cheating.

        3) Homework Update: After consultation with some of you and my colleagues, I have decided to introduce the following policy: you will be required to submit five problems every week. This is in order to keep you actively engaged with the material, and to ensure you have good preparation for the examinations - some of the problems you submit will be similar to the problems on the examination.

        Problem sets will consist of 10-15 problems of varying difficulty. I will state, ~1 week in advance, the five problems that you should submit the following week. The first problem set submission will be due Monday (9/25) and I'll post Problem Set 1 over this weekend. Problem Set 2 submission will be Friday 9/29. Subsequent Problem Set submission dates will be determined this weekend.

        I will also provide some challenging problems for those of you that want to flex your mathematical muscles. These challenging problems can be used to obtain extra credit: details TBD but I am thinking that you will earn an additional X% (X = TBD) by solving a challenging problem and presenting your solution to me in my office. You are allowed to work on these problems together but if you'd like to earn some credit you will have to present your solution to me independently.

        What do you think?

        4) Office Hours: I have created a poll to determine office hours that work best for you. In light of the new Homework policy I am happy to hold (at least) 4-5 office hours per week, if needs be. Please take a couple minutes to let me know what you think.

        Office hours poll

        Remember, you are very welcome to arrange a meeting with me by appointment (

      • September 13
        • Solutions to September 11 Worksheet have been posted.
        • I have posted a verification of the formula for the n^th Riemann sum S_n.
      • September 12
        • Some review problems have been posted.
      • September 11
        • Welcome and Preliminary Assignments: Hello everyone, it was great to meet with some of you today and I look forward getting to know all of you throughout the semester. If you know some of your classmates who are not yet reigstered for either Math 122B or Math 122C (therefore should not be receiving this announcement), please pass on the following information.

          Prior to our next meeting (Wednesday 9/13) please ensure that you complete the following tasks.

          1) Course Website: please ensure you have accessed and bookmarked the course website

          I will be updating this site frequently and will post all handouts from class, and much more, here throughout the semester. Please let me know via email if there are any dead links or you have any problems accessing material.

          2) Canvas site: please ensure that you have accessed the course Canvas site. To do so take the following steps:

          • direct your (on-campus) browser to http://go/hub
          • sign-in to the Course Hub
          • access the Math 122B/C Canvas site.

          If you are having issues then please let me know. The Canvas site will primarily be used for class announcements and essential information, and will not be updated as regularly or thoroughly as the course website.

          3) forum: Click on the 'Piazza' tab in Canvas and ensure that you can access the course forum. Piazza is a great way for you to ask questions (to your classmates, or to me) about the material you are learning. Questions can be directed to the entire class, just to me, and can be submitted anonymously. Piazza is also a fantastic way for you to express your understanding of a topic by answering questions.

          To ensure that everyone has been able to access piazza please post a 2-3 line introduction to the forum introducing yourself to your classmates (Use the 'New Post' button and post a Note, addressed to the entire class).

          4) Read the syllabus: find the course syllabus at the course website (also available on Canvas) and read it. Make sure you understand the following aspects of this course:

          • Office Hours
          • the make-up of your final grade: Examinations, Project, Weekly Quiz
          • homework
          • Classroom & Learning etiquette
          • extra credit

          If you have any questions then please get in touch with me. Please note, there may or may not be a question on the syllabus on this week's quiz :)

          5) Read the Late Days Policy: the Late Days Policy is available at the course website and outlines the course policy for class absences and missed Weekly Quizzes. Please ensure you understand how this policy works. The Late Days Policy will go into effect beginning Week 2.

          6) Finish Problem 1 from September 11 Worksheet: prior to Wednesday's class, make sure you have completed all parts of Problem 1 that we began investigating today in class. Do not be concerned about getting the correct answer but make sure you can, at the very least, grasp the process. I will randomly ask one of you to summarise your investigations at the beginning of Wednesday's class.

          If you have questions about this worksheet problem then feel free to come to office hours (Tu 10-11am) and/or make use of Piazza and/or head along to the Drop-in Guided Calculus Study Session taking place Tuesday 7-9pm in the Math Department (3rd floor common area).

          7) Bring the September 11 Worksheet to Wednesday's class: in Wednesday's class we will work through the second problem on the Worksheet, so please make sure you bring your copy along.

          My apologies for the long announcement! Please let me know if you have any questions.