Math 434: Representation Theory, Spring 2019

MWF: 1-1.50pm, Davis 217

Instructor: George Melvin

Office Hours: Tu 6-7pm, F 2-3pm, or by appointment

Kashiwara crystal for standard representation of SU(3).

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Welcome to Math 434: Topics in Abstract Algebra, Spring 2019! This course is an introduction to the representation theory of finite groups and character theory. We will also investigate the representation theory of more exotic algebraic objects and connections with combinatorics.

Course Information:

  • Syllabus
  • Course Timetable
  • Letter to my Students - a letter from a professor to his students on academic integrity and its role in the classroom. I fully endorse, and will adhere to, the views expressed within this document and recommend that you read and reflect upon how you want to express your integrity in our class.