Math 434: Representation Theory, Spring 2019

MWF: 1-1.50pm, Davis 217

Instructor: George Melvin

Office Hours: Tu 6-7pm, F 2-3pm, or by appointment

Kashiwara crystal for standard representation of SU(3).

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Supplementary Resources

Here are some resources that I have found useful in the past. Be aware that some of the terminology may be slightly different and some resources will have a different focus. These resources should be considered supplementary to lectures.

  • Linear Representations of Finite Groups - J.P. Serre. Chapter 1 is most relevant.
  • Representations and Characters of Groups - James, Liebeck. Be warned: the notation is back-to-front.
  • Course notes on representation theory by C. Teleman (my PhD advisor). These are note from an undergraduate course taught at the University of Cambridge in 2006.
  • Course notes on representation theory by S. Martin. These are notes from an undergraduate course taught at the University of Cambridge in 2010-11.