Homework problems are on a separate webpage. Reading assignments must be done by the class period after they are assigned.
Date Assigned Reading What to focus on:
Sept. 3
Section 1.1
  • The mechanics of solving systems of equations
  • The geometric interpretation of solving systems of linear equations
  • The number of possible solutions to a system of linear equations
Sept. 5
Section 1.2
  • What are legal row operations?
  • How is a system of linear equations converted to a matrix?
  • What is reduced row-echelon form?
Sept. 8
Section 1.3
  • How do you find the rank of a matrix?
  • What is the relationship between the numbers of variables and equations in a linear system and the number of possible solutions?
  • How do you add and multiply matrices?
  • What is a linear combination of vectors?
Sept. 12
Section 2.1
  • How does Def. 2.1.1 differ from the one given in class?
  • Pay attention to Example 9!
  • Pay attention to Def. 2.1.4
Sept. 15
Section 2.2
  • Work through Example 1 carefully
  • Understand Def. 2.2.1
  • Memorize Theorem 2.2.3
Sept. 17
Section 2.3
  • Most of this we've covered already, just look over the section.
Sept. 21
Section 2.4
  • How can we calculate the inverse of a matrix?
  • Why does the method work?
Sept. 24
Section 3.1
  • What is the kernel of a linear transformation?
  • What is the image of a linear transformation?
  • How do we calculate the kernel and image?
  • What does it mean to say that the kernel and image are subspaces?
Oct. 3
Section 3.2
  • What does it mean for vectors to be linearly independent?
  • How can you eliminate redundant vectors from a list?
Oct. 6
Section 3.3
  • How can we tell if a set of spanning vectors for a subspace is a basis?
  • How do we prove that all bases for a subspace have the same number of elements?
  • How do we show that every vector in a subspace has a unique representation with respect to a given basis?
Oct. 8
Section 3.4
  • Given a basis, how do we represent vectors with respect to that basis?
  • Given a basis and a linear transformation how do we find a matrix for that linear transformation with respect to the basis?
Oct. 15
Sections 6.1 - 6.2
  • What are two different ways of calculating the determinant?
  • Why is that a linear transformation is invertible if and only if its determinant is 0?
  • Also remember the additional reading assignment passed out in class.
Oct. 20
Sections 7.1
  • What is an eigenvalue and an eigenvector?
  • How do we calculate them?
Oct. 20
Sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.5
  • Why do similar matrices have the same eigenvalues?
  • What are algebraic and geometric multiplicity?
  • What is the relationship between transition matrices and eigenvectors?
  • What is the significance of complex eigenvalues?
Oct. 29
Sections 5.1, 5.3
  • What does it mean for vectors to be orthonormal?
  • What is an orthogonal complement of a subspace? Does every subspace have one?
  • What is a correlation coefficient? What is its relationship to dot product?
  • What is an orthogonal matrix? What are the properties of an orthogonal transformation?
  • How do we find the matrix of an orthogonal projection onto a subspace? Why does the method work?