Math 223: Multivariable Calculus, Spring 2018

MWF 8-8.50am, Warner Hall 202 (Math 223A)

MWF 9.05-9.55am, Warner Hall 202 (Math 223B)

Instructor: George Melvin

Office Hours: M 2-3pm, W 4-5pm, Th 9-11am


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Welcome to Math 223: Multivariable Calculus, Spring 2018! This course is an introduction to the geometry of Euclidean spaces and differential geometry.

Course Information:

  • Syllabus (Math 223A)
    • Updated February 13: homework submission policy, supplementary resources updated
  • Syllabus (Math 223B)
    • Updated February 13: homework submission policy, supplementary resources updated
  • Course Timetable
    • Updated March 11: certain topics rescheduled
  • Late Days Policy
  • Extra Credit Policy
  • Letter to my Students - a letter from a professor to his students on academic integrity and its role in the classroom. I fully endorse, and will adhere to, the views expressed within this document and recommend that you read and reflect upon how you want to express your integrity in our class.