Math 122B: Calculus II, Spring 2018

MWF 11.15am-12.05pm, Warner Hall 207

Th 11am-12.15pm, Warner Hall 203

Instructor: George Melvin

Office Hours: M 2-3pm, W 4-5pm, Th 9-11am


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  • April 7
    • Practice Exam III has been posted.
  • April 5
    • Some Extra Credit Problems have been posted.
  • March 6
    • A review sheet for Exam I has been posted.
    • Practice Exam I has been updated.
  • March 5
    • Practice problems on series have been posted.
  • February 27
    • Practice Exam I has been posted in the 'handouts' section.
  • February 18
    • Homework, due February 21, has been posted.
    • On Sunday and Monday evenings throughout the semester, peer tutors will be available in a drop-in "Math Lab," where students from any course can get help with elementary mathematics, statistics, and Excel.

      The session leaders are STEM peer tutors who have experience not just in math classes, but in applying mathematics across a wide range of disciplines. I am particularly trying to reach students who are in courses for which we don’t typically provide tutoring assistance, or who just need extra assistance with elementary topics.

      Here is the schedule. We start this Sunday and Monday.

      • Sundays, 8 to 9:30 pm, Warner 208
      • Mondays, 8 to 9:30 pm, MBH 303
    • Drop-in guided study sessions are all set to start this coming week, according to the following schedule:

      • Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, 7 to 9 pm, Math Suite, and Sunday, 8 to 10 pm, MBH 303
  • February 16
    • Homework, due Februrary 19, has been posted.
  • February 15
    • Please complete the following survey.
  • Februrary 13
    • Homework, due Februrary 16, has been posted.
    • Please purchase a small pocket notebook. This will be used for your learning diary.
  • February 12
    • Welcome and Preliminary Assignments: Hello everyone, it was great to meet with some of you today and I look forward getting to know all of you throughout the semester. If you know some of your classmates who are not yet reigstered for Math 122B (therefore should not be receiving this announcement), please pass on the following information.

      Prior to our next meeting (Wednesday 2/14) please ensure that you complete the following tasks.

      1) Course Website: please ensure you have accessed and bookmarked the course website

      I will be updating this site frequently and will post all handouts from class, and much more, here throughout the semester. Please let me know via email if there are any dead links or you have any problems accessing material.

      The site can also be access using the go link: go/gmelvin

      2) Canvas site: please ensure that you have accessed the course Canvas site. To do so take the following steps:

      • direct your (on-campus) browser to http://go/hub
      • sign-in to the Course Hub
      • access the Math 122B Canvas site.

      If you are having issues then please let me know. The Canvas site will primarily be used for class announcements and essential information, and will not be updated as regularly or thoroughly as the course website.

      3) forum: Click on the 'Piazza' tab in Canvas and ensure that you can access the course forum. Piazza is a great way for you to ask questions (to your classmates, or to me) about the material you are learning. Questions can be directed to the entire class, just to me, and can be submitted anonymously. Piazza is also a fantastic way for you to express your understanding of a topic by answering questions.

      To ensure that everyone has been able to access piazza please post a 2-3 line introduction to the forum introducing yourself to your classmates (Use the 'New Post' button and post a Note, addressed to the entire class).

      4) Read the syllabus: find the course syllabus at the course website (also available on Canvas) and read it. Make sure you understand the following aspects of this course:

      • Office Hours
      • The make-up of your final grade: Examinations, Project, Homework
      • Homework
      • Classroom & Learning etiquette
      • Extra Credit

      If you have any questions then please get in touch with me.

      5) Read the Late Days Policy: the Late Days Policy is available at the course website and outlines the course policy for class absences and missed Weekly Quizzes. Please ensure you understand how this policy works. The Late Days Policy will go into effect beginning Week 2.

      My apologies for the long announcement! Please let me know if you have any questions.