Math 122B: Calculus II, Fall 2017

MWF 10.10-11am, Warner Hall 208

Th 9.30-10.45am, Warner Hall 207

Instructor: George Melvin

Office Hours: M 2-3pm, Tu 10-11am, 4-5pm, W 2-3pm, Th 4-5pm


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Math 122B, Exam 2 Statistics

  • Core Statistics
    • Mean: 57.9
    • Mode: 61
    • Median: 58.5
    • St. Dev.: 7.77
  • Percentile Rank - Score
    • 0 - 40
    • 10 - 48.8
    • 20 - 53.6
    • 30 - 54
    • 40 - 57.2
    • 50 - 58.5
    • 60 - 60.6
    • 70 - 61.4
    • 80 - 65
    • 90 - 66.4
    • 100 - 70

Math 122B, Exam 2 Distribution
The distribution of Math 122B, Fall 2017, Exam 2 scores, overlaid with a normal distribution for the associated mean/standard deviation.

Math 122B, Exam 1 Statistics

  • Core Statistics
    • Mean: 48.2
    • Mode: 45
    • Median: 46
    • St. Dev.: 8.47
  • Percentile Rank - Score
    • 0 - 35
    • 10 - 37.4
    • 20 - 41.2
    • 30 - 43.4
    • 40 - 45
    • 50 - 46
    • 60 - 49.4
    • 70 - 53.2
    • 80 - 58.2
    • 90 - 59
    • 100 - 63

Math 122B, Exam 1 Distribution
The distribution of Math 122B, Fall 2017, Exam 1 scores, overlaid with a normal distribution for the associated mean/standard deviation.

Weekly Quiz 3 Snapshot

Math 122, all students
A snapshot of the Week 3 Quiz scores across sections Math 122B and Math 122C, Fall 2017, Middlebury College.

Math 122B
A snapshot of the Week 3 Quiz scores from Math 122B, Fall 2017, Middlebury College.

Weekly Quiz 2 Snapshot

Math 122, all students
A snapshot of the Week 2 Quiz scores across sections Math 122B and Math 122C, Fall 2017, Middlebury College.

Math 122B
A snapshot of the Week 2 Quiz scores from Math 122B, Fall 2017, Middlebury College.

Weekly Quiz 1 Snapshot

Math 122, all students
A snapshot of the Week 1 Quiz scores across sections Math 122B and Math 122C, Fall 2017, Middlebury College.

Math 122B
A snapshot of the Week 1 Quiz scores from Math 122B, Fall 2017, Middlebury College.

What aids your math learning?

What aids your math learning?
What aids your math learning? A snapshot of responses from Math 122: Calculus II, Fall 2017, Middlebury College.

What aids your math learning?
What aids your math learning? A snapshot of responses from an upper division mathematics course Smooth Manifolds, Harvard University.