New in paperback:
Louisa Siefert. The Stoics: A Bilingual Critical Edition. Translated by Norman R. Shapiro. Introduction, notes and bibliography by Adrianna M. Paliyenko. University Park: Penn State University Press, February 2025.
Redécouvrir Louisa Siefert : richesse d'une œuvre de femme à l'ère de la modernité. Ed. Aimée Boutin, Adrianna M. Paliyenko et Catherine Witt. Éditions Honoré Champion: Paris, 2024.
Louisa Siefert. The Stoics: A Bilingual Critical Edition. Translated by Norman R. Shapiro. Introduction, notes and bibliography by Adrianna M. Paliyenko. University Park: Penn State University Press, August 2023.
Envie de génie: La contribution des femmes à la poésie française (XIXe siècle). Traduit par Nicole G. Albert. Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2020. Compte rendu (C. Islert); Compte rendu (L. Frézard)
Genius Envy: Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801-1900. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2016; (paperback, 2017). Compte rendu (M. Reid);
Poets as Readers in Nineteenth-Century France: Critical Reflections. Edited by Joseph Acquisto Adrianna M. Paliyenko and Catherine Witt.
London: Institute of Modern Languages Research, 2015. Won the 2013 igrsbooks competition.
imlr (formerly igrs) books vol. 10
Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Marie Krysinska (1857-1908) : Innovations poétiques et combats littéraires. Sous la direction d’Adrianna Paliyenko, Gretchen Schultz, Seth Whidden, préface de Michel Murat. Saint-Etienne / Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Saint-Etienne / Presses Universitaires de Lyon, coll. «Des deux sexes et autres - Etudes et essais», 2010.
Mme. A. Cashin, Amour et liberté: l'abolition de l'esclavage. Présentation d'Adrianna M. Paliyenko. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. (Autrement Mêmes series, ed. Roger Little, L'Harmattan)
Mme Anaïs Ségalas. Récits des Antilles: Le Bois de la
Soufrière, suivis d'un choix de
poèmes. Présentation d'Adrianna M. Paliyenko. Paris:
L'Harmattan, 2004.
the Creative Impulse: The Poetic Subject in
Rimbaud and Claudel, Restaged. Southern Illinois University Press,
The Cultural Currency of
Nineteenth-Century French Poetry. Eds. Joseph Acquisto and
Adrianna M. Paliyenko, special double issue, Romance Studies 26, no. 3 (July 2008) & 26, no. 4 (November 2008).
Race: Romantic-Era Women and French Colonial Memory. Ed. Adrianna M. Paliyenko, L'Esprit
Créateur 47, no. 4 (Winter
"Postérités de Louisa Siefert : Mémoire culturelle et matrimoine", co-authored with Aimée Boutin. In Redécouvrir Louisa Siefert, 17-36.
"Louisa Siefert et le désir de mémoire : 'Les Papiers de famille', ou le mal d'archive avant la lettre." In Redécouvrir Louisa Siefert, 77-103.
“Daniel Lesueur face au néant sublime: Les mystères de la Nature (humaine)." Dans Introduction à l'œuvre de Daniel Lesueur: «Conscience féminine, élève la voix», sous la direction de Diana Holmes et Martine Reid, p. 47-68. Paris: Éditions Honoré Champion, 2023. Compte rendu (F. Grenaudier-Klijn)
“Illumining the Critical Reader in the Poet: Malvina Blanchecotte and Louise Ackermann" in Poets as Readers in Nineteenth-Century France: Critical Reflections, edited by Joseph Acquisto, Adrianna M. Paliyenko, and Catherine Witt, 185-206. London: Institute of Modern Languages Research, 2015.
"Marie Krysinska, théoricienne de l'évolution poétique : Le darwinisme, l'esthétique, et le propre du Génie," in Marie Krysinska (1857-1908): Innovations poétiques et combats littéraires, sous la direction d'Adrianna Paliyenko, Gretchen Schultz, Seth Whidden, préface de Michel Murat, 49-63. Saint-Etienne / Lyon, Presses Universitaires de Saint-Etienne / Presses Universitaires de Lyon, coll. «Des deux sexes et autres - Etudes et essais», 2010.
"The Literary Frames of Ourika, Then and Now," in Approaches to Teaching Ourika, edited by Mary Ellen Birkett and Christopher Rivers, 97-102. New York: MLA, 2009.
Matters: Sparking a Connection between French Literary
and Cultural Studies," in Modern French Literary Studies in the
Classroom: Pedagogical Strategies, edited
by Charles J. Stivale, 74-83. New York: MLA, 2004.
"Nineteenth-Century French Women Poets:
An Exceptional Legacy,"
co-authored with Aimée Boutin, Florida State
University. French and Francophone Women, 16th-21st Centuries:
Essays on Literature,
Culture, and Society with Bibliographical and Media
Resources, eds. Catherine
Montfort and Marie-Christine
Koop, special
issue, Women in French Studies (October 2002): 77-109.
and Dada : Influence Matters," in PARIS DADA: The
Barbarians Storm
the Gates, edited by Elmer Peterson, 67-94. Volume VI. Crisis in the Arts: The
History of Dada, edited by Stephen C. Foster and Elmer Peterson.
Hills, MI: Gale Group, Inc., 2001.
"In the Shadow
of Eve: Marie Krysinska and the Force of Poetic
Desire," in Women
Seeking Expression: France 1789-1914, edited by Rosemary
Lloyd and Brian
Nelson, 159-179. Monash Romance Studies 6. Melbourne: Monash Romance Studies,
Turns Against the Cartesian Subject: Descartes' "I,"
Lacan's Other" in Feminist Interpretations of
Descartes, edited by Susan Bordo, 141-166. University Park: Pennsylvania State U P, 1999.
"Margins of
Madness and Creativity: Nineteenth-Century French
Psychiatric and Literary
Discourses on the Dream" in Dreams in French
Literature: The Persistent
Voice. edited by. Tom Conner, 173-198. Amsterdam-Atlanta, Georgia:
Editions Rodopi,
MLA post on Teaching Claire de Duras's Ourika, fall 2021
"French Studies: The Post-Romantic Era." The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 80 (2020) [survey year 2018], pp. 173-192.
"Sur les lectures américaines de 'Sarah' (1820) au XXIe siècle. Entretien avec Adrianna Paliyenko." Éd.Christine Planté. J'écris pourtant, no 3 (March 2019): 49-58.
"French Studies: The Post-Romantic Era." The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 79 (2019) [survey year 2017], pp. 139-152.
"French Studies: The Post-Romantic Era." The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 78.1 (2018) [survey year 2016], pp. 90-103.
"Between Poetic Cultures: Ancient Sources of the Asian 'Orient' in Marceline Desbordes-Valmore and Louise Ackermann." In "Cultural Exchange and Creative Identity: France/Asia in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries," edited by Aimée Boutin and Elizabeth Emery, special issue, L'Esprit Créateur 56, no. 3 (2016): 14-27.
"On the Physiology of Genius: Pro/creativity in Nineteenth-Century France." In "Penser le génie à travers ses usages - The Uses of Genius," edited by. Ann Jefferson and Jean-Alexandre Perras, special issue, L'Esprit Créateur 55, no. 2 (Summer 2015): 89-101.
“Louise Ackermann,” “Malvina Blanchecotte,” “Anaïs Ségalas,” “Louisa Siefert,” and “Mélanie Waldor.” Le Dictionnaire universel des créatrices. Eds. Béatrice Didier, Mireille Calle-Gruber and Antoinette Fouque. Paris: Editions des femmes, 2014.
"Illuminating the Poetic Turn to Science: Louise
Ackermann and the Aesthetic Stuff of Cultural Studies" in "The
Cultural Currency of Nineteenth-Century French Poetry," eds.
Joseph Acquisto and Adrianna M. Paliyenko, special issue, Romance Studies 26, no. 4 (November 2008): 308-322.
“Returns of Marceline
Desbordes-Valmore’s Repressed Colonial Memory: 'Sarah' and
Critical Belatedness.” L'Esprit Créateur 47, no. 4 (Winter 2007): 68-80.
"Anaïs Ségalas." Great Lives from History: The Nineteenth
Century, 1801-1900, edited by John
Powell, 2062-2063. Pasedena, CA: Salem Press, 2006.
"1830: Delacroix Paints Liberty Leading the
People." Great Events from History: The Nineteenth Century,
1801-1900, edted by John Powell, 476-479. Pasedena, CA: Salem Press,
Poetry, and the Nature of Genius: Exceptional
Creativity." EXCAVATIO 16, nos 1 & 2 (2002): 244-257.
Entries on "Caroline
Commanville" (68), "Suzanne Lagier" (191),
Lapierre" (192-93), "Mlle Leroyer de Chantepie" (198),
and "Louise Pradier" (259-60). A Gustave
Flaubert Encyclopedia.
Edited by Laurence M. Porter. Westport, Connecticut : Greenwood
P, 2001.
Women in French Poetic History: The Romantic Legacy." Symposium 53, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 261-282.
"Is a Woman
Poet Born or Made?: Discourse of Maternity in Louise
Ackermann and Louisa
Siefert." LEsprit Créateur 39, no. 2
(Summer 1999):
Entries on "Louise
Ackermann," "Louisa Siefert." and
"Marie Krysinska." The Feminist Companion to French Literature, ed. Eva
Martin Sartori,
Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood P, 1999.
la femme poète: Rimbaud and Louisa Siefert." Nineteenth-Century
French Studies 26, nos. 1 & 2 (Fall/Winter 1997- 1998):
in Rimbaud's Illuminations: The Scene of the Other in Bottom." Romanic Review 86, no. 4 (Nov 1995): 697-706.
Breton's Debt to Apollinaire: Surrealism and Aesthetics of Creative
Imaging." Romance Quarterly 42, no. 1 (Winter 1995):
"The Dialogic
'je' in Rimbaud's Illuminations: The Subject of Self
and Other." French Forum 19 (Sept 1994): 261-277.
of the Self and Rimbaud's Lettres du voyant: Alterity as a Creative
Dialectic." Nineteenth-Century French Studies 21, nos. 3 & 4 (Spring/Summer
1993): 434-448.
"Rimbaud and
Claudel: Literary Paternity and the Anxiety of
Influence." Claudel
Studies 18, no. 1 (March 1991): 37-4.
Cooper, Barbara T., editor (coll. Roger Little). Clara et autres écrits dont deux lettres inédites, by Mélanie Waldor. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2021, pp. vii + 193. Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 50.3-4 (fall 2021, online).
Henriette de Coligny, comtesse de La Suze. Élégies, chansons et autres poésies. Éd. Mariette Cuénin-Lieber. Paris: Classiques Garnier, coll. Masculin-féminin dans l'Europe moderne, 2017. 404 pp. + 4 illus. Seventeenth-Century French Studies, spring 2018.
Jefferson, Ann. Genius in France: An Idea and its Uses. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015. Pp. xii + 273. Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 44, Nos. 3 & 4 (Spring–Summer 2016).
Aimée Israel-Pelletier, Rimbaud’s Impressionist Poetics: Vision and Visuality, Cardiff: U of Wales P, 2012, Pp. 201. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 43, nos. 1 & 2 (fall–winter 2014–2015).
Halliday, Tony. The Temperamental Nude: Class, Medicine and Representation in Eighteenth-Century France. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2010. The French Review 86, no. 2 (2012): 53-54. {invited}
Ferguson, Eliza Earle. Gender and Justice. Violence, Intimacy, and Community in Fin-de-Siècle Paris. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP, 2010. The French Review 84, no. 5 (April 2011): 1053-1054. {invited}
Rémusat, Charles de. The Saint-Domingue Plantation; or, The Insurrection: A Drama in Five Acts. 1825. Translated by Norman R. Shapiro. Introduction and notes by Doris Kadish. Baton Rouge: Louisiana UP, 2008. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 38, nos. 3 & 4 (Spring-Summer 2010): 162-164.
French Women Poets of Nine Centuries: The Distaff & the Pen. Selected and trans. Norman Shapiro. Intro. Roberta L. Krueger, Catherine Lafarge & Catherine Perry. Foreword. Rosanna Warren. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. Women in French Studies 17 (2009): 205-206.
Whidden, Seth. Leaving Parnassus: The Lyric
Subject in Verlaine and Rimbaud. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 36, nos. 3 & 4 (Spring-Summer
2008): 341-342.
Holmes, Diana and Carrie Tarr, eds. A 'Belle Epoque'?
Women in French Society and Culture 1890-1914. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books,
2006 and 2007 for paperback ed. The French Review 81, no. 4 (March
2008): 804-805.
Porter, Laurence M. Women’s Vision in Western
Literature: The Empathic Community. Westport, Connecticut:
Praeger Publishers, 2005. French Forum 31, no. 2 (2006): 134-137.
Jean Elisabeth. Legislating the French Family:
Feminism, Theater,
and Republican Politics, 1870-1920. New Brunswick:
Rutgers UP, 2003.
Pp. 320. The French Review (February 2005):
599-600. {invited}
Krysinska, Marie. Rythmes pittoresques. 1890. Ed.
Seth Whidden.
Exeter: Exeter UP, 2003. Pp. 177. Nineteenth-Century
French Studies 33, nos. 1 & 2 (Fall-Winter 2004-05): 211-213.
Claudia. Gender and Citizenship. The Dialectics of
in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture.
Oxford: Roman
& Littlefield, 2000. ISBN 0-8476-9695-2. Pp. 131. The French
Review 77, no. 5 (April 2004): 1044-1045.
Sharon P. Boundaries of Acceptability: Flaubert,
Maupassant, Cézanne,
and Cassatt. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. ISBN 0-8204-3851-0 Pp.
249. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 32, nos. 3 & 4
2004): 380-382.
R.J. Goulesque. Une femme poète symboliste: Marie
la Calliope du Chat Noir. Paris: Honoré
Champion, 2001. Pp.
221. ISBN: 2-7453-0377-5. Women in French Studies 11 (2003):
Aimée. Maternal Echoes: The Poetry of Marceline
and Alphonse de Lamartine. Newark: U of Delaware P,
2001. Nineteenth-Century
French Studies 31, nos. 3 & 4 (Spring-Summer 2003):
Schultz, Gretchen. The Gendered Lyric: Subjectivity and Difference in
French Poetry. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue UP,
1999. Nineteenth-Century
French Studies 29, nos. 1 & 2 (Fall-Winter 2000-01):
Pearson, Roger. Unfolding Mallarmé: The Development of a Poetic
Art. Oxford:
Clarendon P, 1997. Pp. xi + 316. French Forum 25, no. 1 (January
2000): 121-123. {invited}
Planté, Christine,
ed. Femmes poètes du XIXe siècle: une
Lyon: Presses universitaires, 1998. Pp. xxxii + 240. Nineteenth-Century
French Studies 27, nos. 3 & 4 (Spring-Summer 1999):
Bohn, Willard. Apollinaire and the International Avant-Garde.
Albany: University
of New York Press, 1997. xi +369 pp. Yearbook of
Comparative Literature 47 (1999): 241-247.
Macklin, Gerald. A Study of Theatrical Vision in Arthur Rimbaud's Illuminations.
The Edwin Mellen Press, 1993. Pp. 269. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 24, nos. 1 & 2 (Fall/Winter 1995-96): 243-244.
Willard. Apollinaire,
Visual Poetry, and Art Criticism. Bucknell UP, 1993.
Pp. 269. Romance
Quarterly 42, no. 4 (Fall 1995):
242-243. {invited}
Robert Greer. Vues sur Mallarmé. A.-G. Nizet, 1991. Pp. 324. Romanic
Review 85, no. 3 (May 1994): 492-93. {invited}
Pickering, Robert. Lautréamont: Image, Theme, and Self-Identity. U of Glasgow
French and German Publications, 1990. Pp. 84. Nineteenth-Century French Studies 22, nos. 1 & 2
(Fall/Winter 1993-1994):
Last updated: 3/3/2025
© Adrianna Maria Paliyenko
Web Page Maintenance:Adrianna M. Paliyenko