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まで basically has two meanings:
    I.   It indicates an end point or a destination.
        *The end point can be a place or time.
    II.  It marks a degree, extent, or means "even."
    I.  As a marker of an end point or a destination
Behind a noun:
    II.  As a marker of extent or inclusion
I.  Behind a noun:
II.  Behind a verb:
まで replaces the particles .
        社長来ました。The president came.
        社長来ました。The president also came.
        社長まで来ました。Even the president came.

When まで is used to mean "even" or "including," it may immediately follow other particles such as and .
        まで手紙をくれました。She even gave me a letter.
        あの人までつきあっているのですか。Are you seeing even him?


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ゥTamae Prindle/Colby College