The Forum for Women in Science at Colby College

The Forum for Women in Science provides an umbrella for exploring a wide variety of issues concerning women in science. Our largest undertaking to date was the Workshop on Gender Issues in the Sciences, held at Colby in June 2003. Participants from around the country met to discuss issues such as gender bias in teaching evaluations, balancing a career with other facets of life, gender issues in the classroom, and mentoring. See the link below for our webpage on this workshop. Other events planned by the Forum include visits by Dr. Bernice Sandler in 2001 on the chilly classroom climate and by Dr. Suzanna Rose in 2002, outside speakers, and discussions on a variety of topics of interest to women (and men) in science. The Forum is open to all members of the Colby community although it most actively serves students, faculty, and staff in the sciences.

Members of the Forum were intimately involved in the preparation of the 1999 Plan for the Sciences to Begin the New Millennium, produced collaboratively by many representatives of the Natural Sciences Division. This document contained several suggestions for ways that the College could support women in scientific careers. The Forum also was significant in setting the direction of Colby's successful proposal to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in 1999, which provided $53,000 for a continuation of science-and-gender-related activities that build on the work-to-date of the Forum for Women in Science. In addition to a series of gender workshops, the highly successful alumni career panel has been an annual event, funded by the institutional HHMI grant, as was the workshop on gender issues (see link below). The group continues to grow and to attempt to increase the visibility of Colby women in the sciences.

Members of the Forum for Women in Science

Catherine Bevier
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
Biology. 1999-

Bets Brown
Research Scientist
Biology 1990-

Betsy Champlin
Senior Teaching Associate
Biology. 1971-

Clare Congdon
Assistant Professor
Computer Science. 1998-

Rebecca Conry
Assistant Professor
Chemistry. 2000-

Shari Dunham
Dr. Gerald and Myra Dorros
Assistant Professor
Chemistry. 1998-

Brenda Fekete
Teaching Associate
Chemistry. 1996-

Lynn Hannum
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
Biology. 2001-

Jan Holly
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
Mathematics. 1996-

Lisa Lessard
Teaching Assistant
Physics. 2000-

Virginia Long
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
Physics. 2000-

Jean McIntyre
Senior Teaching Associate
Chemistry. 1976-

Julie Millard
Associate Professor
Chemistry. 1991-

Lisa Miller
Teaching Assistant
Chemistry. 1999-

Jen Shosa
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
Geology. 2000-

Judy Stone
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
Biology. 1999-

Andrea Tilden
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
Biology. 1999-
Link to information about our group's HHMI-sponsored Northeast Workshop on Gender and Science.

Our group leaders for the 2003-2004 academic year are Professors Rebecca Conry ( and
Cathy Bevier(

This page is maintained by Professor Julie Millard ( and was last updated in November 2003.