Hong Zhang

Department of East Asian Studies
Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901
207-859-4417 (O)
207-859-4405 (Fax)

Fourth Year Chinese (CN 422)

Course Description
This is an advanced Chinese language course. The goal of the course is to introduce the students to various aspects of Chinese culture while enhancing their language competence in listening, reading, speaking and writing modern Chinese. 

1. Advanced Chinese, Yale University Press. 2004.
2. CN422 Coursepack. 

Class Project
Students will translate the script of an American TV sitcome into Chinese and dub it. Previous classes had chosen such sitcomes as "The Simpsons," "Friends," and "Family Guy" for dubbing.

Link to Course Calendar (Under construction)

Links for News Reporting
Xinhua News 
People's Daily
BBC Chinese News
VOA Chinese

Links for Self-Learning
Online Chinese Tools
Online English-Chinese Dictionary
Online Chinese-English Dictionary

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