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Verbos de emoción
Present Subjunctive w/ Verbs of Emotion, Exercise 6

Use the correct button at the end of the exercise to see the correct answer which appears first and is followed by any "incorrect answer." Answer all questions to get a score.

Use a verb of influence in the present INDICATIVE to trigger the SUBJUNCTIVE mood in the dependent clause.

alegrarse to make happy
esperar to hope
molestar to bother
ojalá hopefully
quejarse de to complain about
sentir to be sorry, to regret
sorprender to surprise
temer to fear, be afraid

Pulsa para seleccionar:   á é í ó ú ü ñ Á É Í Ó Ú Ñ ¡ ¿

1. I hope you use Yahoo! in Spanish.
Yo que tú (usar) Yahoo! en español.

2. Hopefully it will rain coffee in the country.
que (llover) café en el campo!

3. Ana is happy that he knows how to dance the salsa.
Ana que él (saber) bailar la la salsa.

4. It surprises me that you don't read the Listín Digital.
Me que Uds. no (leer) el Listín Digital.

5. I'm afraid that your horoscope will not be good today.
Yo que tu horóscopo no (ser) bueno hoy.

6. They are sorry we cannot go to the Carnival.
Ellos que no (poder) ir al Carnaval.

7. I complain that you (fam.) don't send me virtual postcards.
Yo de que tú no me (mandar) tarjetas.

8. It bothers me that there is so much poverty in Haiti.
Me que (haber) tanta pobreza en Haití
