General Background (Updated in 5/02)
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Applications: Fishing GENERAL
Anderson, L. G. (1995). Privatizing Open Access Fisheries: Individual Transferable Quotas. The Handbook of Environmental Economics. D. W. Bromley. Oxford, UK, Blackwell: 453-474.
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Townsend, R. E. (1998). "Beyond ITQs: Property Rights as a Management Tool." Fisheries Research 37(1-3): 203-210.
Anderson, E. E. (1986). "Taxes vs. Quotas for Regulating Fisheries under Uncertainty: A Hybrid Discrete-Time Continuous-Time Model." Marine Resource Economics 3(3): 183-207.
Anderson, L. G. (1994). "An Economic Analysis of Highgrading in ITQ Fisheries Regulation Programs." Marine Resource Economics 9(3): 209-26.
Arnason, R. and H. Gissurarson, eds. (1999)., Individual Transferable Quotas in Theory and Practice. The University of Iceland Press.
Brubaker, E. (1996). The Ecological Implications of Establishing Property Rights in Atlantic Fisheries. Taking Ownership: Property Rights and Fishery Management on the Atlantic Coast. B. L. Crowley. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Atlantic Institute for Market Studies: 221-251.
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Herrmann, M. (1996). "Estimating the Induced Price Increase for Canadian Pacific Halibut with the Introduction of the Individual Vessel Quota Program." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 44(2): 151-164.
Matthiasson, Thorolfur (1996). "Why Fishing Fleets Tend to be 'Too Big.'" Marine Resource Economics 11(3): 173-179.
Squires, D., M. Alauddin, et al. (1994). "Individual Transferable Quota Markets and Investment Decisions in the Fixed Gear Sablefish Industry." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 27(2): 185-204.
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Vestergaard, N. (1999). "Measures of Welfare Effects in Multiproduct Industries: The Case of Multispecies Individual Quota Fisheries." Canadian Journal of Economics 32(3): 729-43.
Wallace, S. W. and K. Bekke (1986). "Optimal Fleet Size When National Quotas can be Traded." Marine Resource Economics 2(4): 315-29.
Wilen, James E. and Keith Casey. 1997. Impacts of ITQs on Labor: Employment and Remuneration Effects. Pp. 315-333 in G. Palsson and Gudrun Petersdottir, eds., Social Implications of Quota Systems in Fisheries; Proceedings of a Seminar Held in the Vestman Islands in May 1996. TemaNord1997:593. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers.
Adelaja, A., J. Menzo, et al. (1998). "Market Power, Industrial Organization and Tradeable Quotas." Review of Industrial Organization 13(5): 589-601.
Apostle, R., B. J. McCay, et al. (1997). The Political Construction of an IQ Management System: The Mobile Gear ITQ Experiment in the Scotia Fundy Region of Canada. Social Implications of Quota Systems in Fisheries. G. Pálsson and G. Pétursdóttir. Copenhagen, Nordic Council of Ministers: 27-49.
Black, Neal D., (1997). "Balancing the Advantages of Individual Transferable Quotas Against Their Redistributive Effects: The Case of Alliance Against IFQs v. Brown." Georgetown International Law Review 9(3): 727-746.
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Anderson, L. G. (1991). "Efficient Policies to Maintain Total Allowable Catches in ITQ Fisheries with At-Sea Processing." Land Economics 67(2): 141-57.
Arnason, R. (1993). "The Icelandic Individual Transferable Quota System: A Descriptive Account." Marine Resource Economics 8(3): 201-18.
Arnason, R. (1996). "On the Individual Transferable Quota Fisheries Management System in Iceland." Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 6(1): 63-90.
Arnason, R. and H. Gissurarson, eds. (1999)., Individual Transferable Quotas in Theory and Practice. The University of Iceland Press, 1999
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Boyd, R. O. and C. M. Dewees (1992). "Putting Theory into Practice: Individual Transferable Quotas in New Zealand's Fisheries." Society and Natural Resources 5: 179-198.
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Knapp, G. (1997). "Initial Effects of the Alaska Halibut IFQ Program: Survey Comments of Alaska Fishermen." Marine Resource Economics. 12(3): 239-248.
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