James also resembles Dodd in her inclusion of chapter headings with Shakespearean quotations. She explains the strategy and claims Shakespearean structure in her afterword, "To the Reader"--
By now you have perceived that Acts of Passion is constructed
like a play
by William Shakespeare. In further homage to the master writer
of all
time, I have begun each chapter with a quotation to foreshadow
what will
follow. I hope the sources have piqued your interest. If so
they have
served their purpose well. I further thought to allow you the
fun of seeing
how well you remembered your Shakespeare. Have you tested yourself
thus far? Four points for each correct answer. Ninety-six is a perfect
score (Passion 477).
Since the quotations from Pericles, Cymbeline and King John would surely escape most readers who are not Shakespeare enthusiasts, this transformation of romance into memory quiz seems destined to put the readers down. The claim to Shakespearean structure and thus mimicry of the "master writer of all time" insists on the craft of the novel's construction as well as its unexpected educational testing.
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