Office: Mudd 214 Phone: 859.5806 Spring, 2008
RESOURCES FOR GEOLOGY 142 - 142 Lab Schedule
DatesLectures, Powerpoint Downloads
6 FebIntroductions and Founders of Historical Geology
8 FebFounders of Historical Geology
11 FebTime, Geology, and Dating Rocks
13 FebRadiometric Methods for Dating Rocks
15 FebThe Sedimentary Archive
18 FebThe Sedimentary Rock Record
20 FebThe Fossil Record and Evolution
22 FebFossils and the Environment
25 FebThe History of Life
27 FebThe History of Life
29 FebPlate Tectonics
3 MarPlate Tectonics
5 MarOrigin of the Solar System
7 MarFirst Hour Exam
10 MarThe Hadean Eon
12 MarThe Archean Eon
14 MarThe Archean Eon
17 MarThe Proterozoic Eon
19 MarThe Proterozoic Eon and the Early Paleozoic
21 MarThe Early Paleozoic
24 MarSpring Break
26 MarSpring Break
28 MarSpring Break
31 MarThe Early Paleozoic
2 AprThe Late Paleozoic
4 AprThe Late Paleozoic
7 AprPaleozoic Life
9 AprPaleozoic Life and Extinctions
11 AprSecond Hour Exam
14 AprThe Mesozoic Era
16 AprThe Mesozoic Era
18 AprMesozoic Life
21 AprMesozoic Life
23 AprThe Terminal Cretaceous Event
25 AprThe Cenozoic Era
27 AprAcadia Field Trip
28 AprThe Cenozoic Era
30 AprCenozoic Life and Pleistocene Ice Ages
Joggins, NS field trip
2 MayClass Presentations I
5 MayClass Presentations II
7 MayClass Presentations III
9 MayClass Presentations IV
14 MayFinal Exam