Topic Area: Deforestation
Geographic Area: Brazil
Focal Question: What are the historical causes of
deforestation in Brazil and what needs to be done to change these
(1) Anderson, Anthony. "Smokestacks in the Rainforest: Industrial
Development and Deforestation in the Amazon Basin" World
Development, vol. 18, no. 9 (1990): pp. 1191-1205.
(2) Binswanger, Hans P. "Brazilian Policies that Encourage
Deforestation in the Amazon" World Development, vol. 19, no. 7
(1991): pp. 821-829.
Reviewer: Andrew Pease, Colby College '97
Deforestation is a local problem with global consequences. Recently,
Brazil's Amazon rainforest has come into the international spotlight
prompted by concerns for a warming planet. In 1991, it was predicted
that at current deforestation rates, only scattered"remnants" of
tropical rainforests will exist and a quarter of all species on Earth
will be extinct by the time today's preschoolers retire (Binswanger,
1991). This rapid rate of deforestation raises concern in a number of
different environmental issues such as biodiversitiy loss and global
These environmental externalities have been directly linked to
Brazilian governmental tax policies, tax incentive systems, rules of
land allocation, and the agricultural credit system. Combined, these
policies create economic distortions that harm the environment by
increasing the demand for farm, pasture, and ranch land. Brazil's
policies not only injure the environment, but also"reduce the chances
of the poor to become farmers" (Binswanger, 1991). Large corporations
quickly claim the land to which new roads give them access. Small,
poor farmers are pushed farther into the jungle in order to find
arable, unclaimed land. In order to slow deforestation, these
policies must be changed, and a new set of laws and regulations
regarding the use of forest land need to be implemented. Hans
Binswanger outlines these policies in his article and are presented
The first of these policies to be examined is the structure of taxes
on agricultural income. Corporations and individuals can exclude up
to 80%-90% (respectively) of agricultural profits from their taxable
income under various provisions of the tax code. Two systems exist:
an individual can be taxed on 10% of gross agricultural income, or
the cost of modernization of capital can be subtracted from gross
agricultural income. Fixed investments, animals, buildings and
machinery can be depreciated fully in the first year as well as
several times over (Binswanger, 1991). Under this system, up to 80%
of income can be sheltered from taxation. Demand for land becomes
extremely high, as agricultural projects become extremely attractive
to corporate and private investors.
This system harms the small, poor farmer, since the low tax rate
level becomes capitalized into the price of land, reflected in high
land prices, making it unprofitable for the poor farmers of Brazil.
This forces them to move further into the Amazon in search of cheap,
unclaimed land, leading to the rules of land allocation that further
encourage deforestation.
In 1991, little land remained unclaimed, as large corporations built
roads into the forest to capitalize on the lenient Brazilian tax
laws. The most common method by which to claim land is by squatting.
Dating back to 1850, squatters gain usufruct rights to 100 hectares
after one year. After 5 years on a plot of land, the inhabitant gets
legal title to that land (Binswanger, 1991). Different regions of
Brazil use different sets of rules pertaining to the amount to which
one can win title. In general, total land obtainable is a function of
the amount of land originally cleared. In order to curb
deforestation, large reserves need to be set aside that can be well
guarded. Plot sizes available to individuals needs to be reduced as
Brazilian land taxes lead to increased rates of deforestation.
Brazil's land tax system is actually progressive in theory, and could
offset the negative effects of the income tax system, but since so
many tax exemptions exist, the rates are not progressive in practice.
The major problem associated with land taxes is how land use is
defined. Basically, the more the land is used, the less it is taxed.
Uncleared forest land is considered unused, resulting in higher
taxes. If that land were simply cleared for no reason, taxes would
fall. Binswanger outlined three major needed changes. First, lower
the amount a single land owner can hold from 3000 hectares to 100-200
hectares. Families could still establish ranches by dividing
ownership up among family members. Secondly, land holding ceilings
need to be implemented (or reduced) for corporations. Lastly, The
definition of land use needs to include various forms of forest
management schemes.
Land and income taxes effect deforestation greatly, but other areas
of the tax system such as capital gains and commodity taxes, appeared
to have had no effect on deforestation. Some specific tax breaks
exist at the local level that encourage unsustainable forest use, but
overall these taxes were relatively benign.
Different regions and sectors of Brazil employ various programs that
promote deforestation. The SUDAM, Grand Carajas program, and the IBDF
(Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal) are programs that
basically single out specific corporate enterprises and provide those
companies with special tax incentives (Binswanger, 1991). For
example, the SUDAM program offers certain corporations a tax credit
scheme that promotes live stock ranches in the legal Amazon. The
SUDAM program was considered the worst according to Binswanger.
Designed to improve economic development in a region, the result is
rapid deforestation, modest afforestation, and enormous fiscal costs
(exceeding $1 billion US dollars in the time period between 1975 and
1986) (Binswanger, 1991).
Lastly, credit in Brazil is basically too cheap. Real interest rates
on official credit were negative until 1991 (Binswanger, 1991).
Interest on loans for agriculture are lower than those for
non-agricultural sectors. This difference in credit is again
capitalized into the price of land, so poorer farmers are unable to
obtain farmlands and again are forced to search deeper into the
Amazon for unclaimed land (Binswanger, 1991). The system of credit
goes beyond harming the environment, as it encourages mechanization
which reduces employment. The extent of damage to the environment,
and more specifically the Amazon, is hard to measure, but it is known
that it does increase deforestation rates.
Binswanger found no tax or subsidy that even slowed deforestation.
The projects intended to change land allocation rules by confining
deforestation to specific areas cannot work due to the distortions in
Brazil's governmental policies.
These policies have been shown to increase the size of land holdings,
promote deforestation, and hurt the poor farmer by making land
relatively unavailable through high prices. In order to curb
deforestation and possibly promote afforestation, several steps need
to be taken. The tax system, land allocation rules, and credit
schemes must be restructured so as to reduce or eliminate the
distortions described above. Elimination of these distortions is not
enough to promote afforestation though. A "system of land use
planning that sets aside more marginal lands in forest reserves and
establishes biological reserves is also required" (Binswanger, 1991).
Creating these reserves alone is insufficient as they must be
protected under law. As part of this law, forest guards must be given
stronger incentives to enforce these laws by giving them a portion of
the fines levied on violators. With the removal of the aforementioned
distorting policies and implementation of the suggested strategies,
it appears that deforestation can be slowed (and hopefully reversed)
in the Amazon rainforest.