Just Beyond Reason

Poems by Patrick Brancaccio

For Ruth

  At La Zagara, Positano

You must visit us in Graz, she said,
dipping her long spoon through the cream,
clouding the iced coffee:
Alfred will show you his
Hospital for accident patients.
Through her thin lips she teased,
Since socialism doctors earn very little.
She studied literature, was
an au-pair in England and
with a noble family in Normandy
where she ate little because
the portions were small and
she was too shy to ask for seconds.
About the Anschluss we seldom speak,
Our children, our childrenšs children,
will write the books, and Freud
my classics professor demolished
in an hour. Psychoanalysts
starve in Austria,
poor little Austria,
so beautiful,
so many borders.