Just Beyond Reason

Poems by Patrick Brancaccio

For Ruth

  Sunday in SCU

Yesterday he died again
For the fortieth time
But he wasnıt the only one
That day in 1963:
C.S. Lewis, agnostic turned
Christian, Defender of the Faith,
Chief adept at apologetics
The art of arguing completely
In the box, but I stray, I stray.
It was the other I was
Commemorating, the youngest
Chief the tribe had ever known
Who died with his brains spilling
On the princessıs tailored pink suit.
As the open limo sped to Park
Memorial, she strained to pull
The secret service man on to the car
Without ever toppling her pillbox hat.
Today in the new century
Ruthıs life almost slips away.
Yesterday twenty-five or more
People were blown to bits in Istanbul
By suicidal warriors praising their God
And someone says, Œit isnıt fair!²
And you know what, it isnıt.
It certainly is not.