Just Beyond Reason

Poems by Patrick Brancaccio

For Ruth

  Deutsche Kuche

They run the hotel
mid-way between Vinaroz and
San Carlos de la Rapita
on the Costa Dorada.
The brochure says
Your well being is assured
by the Deutsche Kuche.
Her husband is thin and blonde
and looks a lot like Oskar Werner.
She waits on tables
every other day and wears
a wig at breakfast and supper.

Before going to see the flamenco
dancers we stop for an ice
and she says we came to Spain
so my husband could shoot
and fish without a license
and to get away from Germany
here though they still have
feelings about the civil war--
the Germans killed a lot
their people -- they say
the river Ebro was red with
the blood of the slaughtered
that's what they say<

and I say what has that
to do with my generation
what could we do about it
what can we do about it
one or two people
and the Church what about
the Church what did they do
but they keep bringing up
these old stories this
region was very red
during those days.

Her husband speaks no
English and is silent.
On the jukebox in the bar
Janis Joplin sings
O Lord won't you buy me
A Mercedes Benz.
At Dachau you can still
smell the gas in the showers
though the guide says
they were never used.