Just Beyond Reason

Poems by Patrick Brancaccio

For Ruth

  I Buy a Book

I buy a book called
The Many Faces of Primitive Art
The lady lawyer runs
up to the house in Siena to tell
us the government has fallen<

Clerk to Popcorn

I buy a book called

Minimal Art

Coming out of class
after ³Civil Disobedience² I find
a man in a raincoat who flashes a
card and asks ³Prof. Brancaccio²?

Clerk to Popcorn,

I buy a book called

The Rolling Stone Record Review

If the Court approves
the AMCHITKA BLAST will take place
at 12 noon and you can hear it here
on your entertainment radio network.

I buy a book called

The Portable Neitzsche

Clerk to Popcorn !
Clerk to Popcorn !