Adrianna Paliyenko joined the department in 1989. Her upper-level courses reflect the cultural turn in foreign language study together with her transdisciplinary work in nineteenth-century French and Francophone studies. A passion for poetry and the history of ideas on genius, gender, and race inspires her research. Publications include: Misreading the Creative Impulse: The Poetic Subject in Rimbaud and Claudel, Restaged; modern critical editions of colonial-era novels: Madame A. Cashin, Amour et liberté: L'abolition de l'esclavage (1847) and Anaïs Ségalas, Récits des Antilles: Le Bois de la Soufrière, suivis d'un choix de poèmes (1885); a special issue of L'Esprit Créateur on Romantic-era women's literature on slavery; a co-edited double issue of Romance Studies on the cultural currency of nineteenth-century French poetry; and a co-edited volume, Marie Krysinska (1857-1908): Innovations poétiques et combats littéraires. Her articles and book chapters treat a wide range of topics: discourses of creativity, madness and dreams in medicine and literature; Apollinaire and Breton; Dada; Descartes and Lacan; legacies of poets Louise Ackermann, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Krysinska and Louisa Siefert. "On the Physiology of Genius: Pro/creativity in Nineteenth-Century France" appeared in L'Esprit Créateur. A volume co-edited with Joseph Acquisto and Catherine Witt, Poets as Readers in Nineteenth-Century France: Critical Reflections, which won the 2013 igrs books competition, was published in 2015. Genius Envy: Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801-1900 was published in 2016 (Penn State UP). The French edition, Envie de génie: La contribution des femmes à l'histoire de la poésie française (XIXe siécle) was published in 2020 (PURH). Louisa Siefert, The Stoics: A Bilingual Critical Edition, translated by Norman R. Shapiro and with an introduction, notes and bibliography by Paliyenko, (Penn State UP, 2023) now available in paperback. The book chapter, "Daniel Lesueur face au néant sublime: Les mystéres de la Nature (humaine)," recently appeared in Introduction à l'œuvre de Daniel Lesueur: "Conscience féminine, élève la voix", eds. Diana Holmes and Martine Reid. A volume of essays, Redécouvrir Louisa Siefert (March 2024), co-edited with A. Boutin and C. Witt, was recently published with Honoré Champion. A modern edition of Marie Krysinska's novel, La Force du Désir (1905), forthcoming with Honoré Champion in March 2025. Current projects include a literary biography of Louisa Siefert. Paliyenko chaired French and Italian Studies from 2006 to 2012 and from 2017-2020, serving as co-chair in 2016-2017. She served as the Humanities Division Chair, 2017-2020, 2021-2023.